Happy Independance Day America!So what am I doing today? Mucking about with my computer, that's what. At least so far. SOmehow this morning my router lost its mind and I had to go remind it of its function, which is to provide me a wireless internet connection. It has taken a little while but I finally got all the electrons flowing in the right directions and have things back on track. I even was able to finally figure out the security feature so that my wireless connection isn't available to anybody passing by.
On Sunday I had a wonderful, mini blog-meet with my new friend Carol from
Mrs. Flyboy. We met for coffee and some time off from her kids at Hastings and had a very pleasant hour or more. The BSU came along because I promised her breakfast and then she didn't even want any part of my yummy cinammon roll. Carol's really sweet, smart and moving mighty fast with all the daily tasks she has to manage by herself since her hubby's away doing his part to support the killing of bad guys in Iraq. [Note: he doesn't get to do any of the killing hisownself, but every person over there is supporting those that do.]
I've also decided that Carol's blog is mis-named, because its really more about her and she certainly is more than just the Mrs to her hubby. I'll have to talk to her about that... Anyway, it was great fun and I hope we'll get to do it again whenever she needs the break from the 3 youngsters.
Carol's also been helping me get Day by Day re-established at the top of my blog. If she keeps it up, I might just have to give her admin rights and let her play with it directly. Who knows might show up if I did that!
The spouse and I did go to
Lagoon on Sunday for a afternoon and evening of amusement park
rides and food. We might evenhead back there today for the water park and a ferris wheel ride, since they closed that down early and we missed it. We have cheap, return tickets that have to be used up before Friday night and there's fireworks to see tonight, so maybe we'll go in a little while.
I cannot recommend the Bat ride for anyone wearing glasses. This was the park's big new attraction last year and I really hated it, just because it beat my glasses right off my head! Like every new ride there is a padded "horse collar" that comes down over your chest and surounds your head. But the damm thing is so close to your head that you only get a blinder effect view, straight ahead and it bangs on your head right in the temples ans you go through the ride. I actually had to remove my glasses, mid-ride, and hold on to them until we were back in the loading bay. No sir, I didn't like it!
I've been to a Raptor's game on Friday night with the spouse and we actually left after 11 innings, before the game ended. It was a sell out crowd and a terrific night, especially since our seats were up high, under the roof, which was really handy when a 10 minute downpour forces a delay of game.
We have also been to the movies,
The Devil Wears Prada on Saturday night and
Superman Returns last night. Skip the first one, if you can unless you are enthralled with the New York fashion business and aleady believe that it is the source of all that's good in the world. The movie is preachy about the value of a few person's opinions driving the entire world's clothing choices and after that its just a morality tale of one girl's efforts to find herself amongst all the glitter. There are a few lines and a couple scenes that made me laugh but my advice, wait for the DVD if you can. Its a chick flick with little redeeming value except for a date night favor.
Superman Returns, on the other hand is a blockbuster! It has absolutely stunning special effects and the intro might just be the best part of the entire movie. Its a great comic book story and I loved it. Kevin Spacey is a great Lex Luther. In spite of knowing I would receive the Spousal Evil Eye of Disapproval, when the character of Perry White was tasking the Daily Planet's staff to find out everything about Superman's return, when he asks does Superman still stand for "Truth, Justice and all that stuff," I piped up quite loudly, adding "The American Way" over the intentionally mangled slogan.
No apologies for that public noise in the theater, either. I hope you'll do the same thing when you go see it.
Its time for me to get outside! More posting later as the day develops.